FIGHT CLUB CDMX @ TECH WEEK MEXICO Networking Event [Invitation Only]

Founders, investors, corporate employees, digital nomads, freelancers, let's connect! FIGHT CLUB CDMX is the host @ MEXICO TECH WEEK

Date and time

Saturday, October 26 · 10am - 3pm CDT



Куаутемок Мехико, CMX Mexico

About this event

🏞️🥾🍔 Welcome to FIGHT CLUB: "Byte & Bites - Tech Week Forest Adventure"! Join us for this exclusive event tailored for tech professionals, CEOs, investors, digital nomads, and entrepreneurs.🍔🥾🏞️

​And all that after a tough week with back to back meetings. We will be meeting in the nature and grasp fresh air!

​😎 Date: October 26, 2024
😎 Time: 10:00 - 15:00 (you can return before Formula 1 Qualifying 15:00 - 16:00 if you skip burger part!)
😎 Place: The trekking/forest location with restaurant will be disclosed to qualified guests 48 hours before the event.

The location is reachable by Uber or private car max 30-45 min drive away from the city center [Polanco-Del Valle]. We will connect all participants in a WhatsApp group to make sure everyone has a ride!

It is our 6th hike with a big community hence we have experience connecting people in the nature!

​🌐 Who's Connecting: Get ready to connect with 75 adventure enthusiasts, including professionals from Big Tech companies, architecture firms, start-ups, automotive companies, and investors.

​🚶‍♂️ Event Highlights:

  • Trekking and Networking!
  • The walk will be 2 hours in the forest, followed by burgers and chatting
  • Forge connections amidst nature
  • Discover valuable connections and prospects
  • Enjoy delicious burgers at a local restaurant

​🥾 What to Bring:

  1. Yourself. Your good mood and eagerness to connect
  2. Cash to split the car/uber costs, pay for entrance or parking, and your meal
  3. Comfortable trekking shoes or sneakers (the hike is light and possible for all levels)
  4. Suitable clothes for the trek
  5. 1 liter of water
  6. Dogs allowed - bring them if you want :)
  7. Snacks for yourself and to share with others (because sharing is caring!)
  8. Your business cards for networking

​🚗 Transportation:

We've got you covered! All qualified members will be connected to organize convenient transportation via Uber or private cars.

​📅 Schedule:

10:00 - 11:00 Arrival and Registration
11:00 - 13:30 Forest Trekking
13:30 - 14:30 Networking with Burgers
14:30 - 15:00 Way home or continue networking [forever and ever]

What do you get if you sign up?

  • Inclusion in FIGHT CLUB community with more than 2000 members and 500 active visitors
  • Guide for the forest walk
  • Organized WhatsApp group to share rides (to ensure EVERYONE has a place)
  • A lot of networking (starting in the chat 2 days prior, during the car rides, forest walk, burgers break, and back)
  • Access to post-event activity for 72 hours where you can present your services to the whole hiking group and be in the spotlight

Ready to elevate your network? Reserve your place now through the Event Link [FREE]:

​🔥 Act swiftly! Registration is limited to 75 participants, no exceptions.

Don't miss this exclusive FIGHT CLUB: "Byte & Bites - Tech Week Forest Adventure"! Secure your spot here. 🏞️🥾🍔

P.S. Still not convinced? For all the newcomers who are curious about the people we attract to the networking events, check the guestlist here:

Organized by

Networking events for CEOs/Investors/Digital Nomads and Entrepreneurs of Mexico City or IN Mexico City

Date & Time communicated a month prior

Place is communicated 24 hours before the event only to qualified members

Who is attending: 150-200 participants: Big Tech companies, architecture firms, start ups, automotive companies and as well investors.

How do I sign up? Every visitor's LinkedIn is checked to understand if there is value in attending. Afterwards venue is communicated with entry details in personal message
